25 best free vst plugins of 2018 bedroomproducer software#
I do too, and since I’m a software developer, I know what that effort (in terms of 100s hours) is likely to be. While doing so, they all declare their appriciation for the software and the effort and knowledge that went into it. And meanwhile people add their support for the original comment, and… I do too.

Well it’s not a huge effort to make them so and to that end someones wades in with a helpful ‘kickstarter’ suggestion. The original comment was a perfectly reasonable question: Are these plugins available for Mac? Answer: No – Ok. In the meantime, rather than continually asking the same question but not reading the answer, I’ll let you into a little secret,… come closer, I’ll whisper it to you,…get a bridge – it will solve your problem.

For example – If you read the replies on this very page (you may need the help of a grown up) you will find out the reason why Bootsy’s plugs are 32Bit PC, and not 64Bit or OSX. It seems to me that when Mac-Whiners (not to be confused with legitimately intelligent Mac users) don’t get handed an easy solution they throw their toys out of the pram without making the slightest effort themselves (guess that’s why they use taxi-Mac’s rather than manual-PC’s). But this proves nothing more than we move in different circles. I have to admit, I don’t know any Mac users any more or any studios that still use Macs – I’m not knocking Mac’s here, but I genuinely don’t know anyone. There hasn’t been a single issue that I couldn’t overcome with a little effort/research. I could say that I moved from Mac to PC in the 90’s and have never looked back (saved myself a ton of money in the process too). That attitude doesn’t encourage a positive response now does it ? Why are Mac fanatics so narrow minded and petty, always with sneery childish remarks.